Monday 15 December 2014

The History of The Universal Pictures Logo

Universal was founded by Carl Laemmle. He moved to the US in 1884 and had a job as a manager. He was fascinated by the nickelodeons and saw how many people visited them and decided to start purchasing them. In 1909 he founded the Independent Moving Pictures Company (IMP). In 1912 a contract was signed with other studios (Powers Picture Company, Champion Films and American Éclai) and this resulted in the founding of the Universal Motion Picture Manufacturing Company in 1914 with Laemmle as its president.

Through the years the company has had many logo's and I will be discussing the evoultion of them.

The was the first logo that was used it shows a globe which has a lot of resemblance to Saturn with its ring around it. This Logo didn't exactly put Universal on the map as a well established film company as the branding was not clear and therefore it disvalues the concept of what they were trying to achieve. There are ideas starting to form with the "Universal" title and a logo which was interpreted to be saturn which would signify the branding product was in the galaxy therefore out of this world. However the branding to represent this was not shown suffiecently.

In this photo the ring is now slightly tilted and various fonts are used.

This is the first one where the planet looks like earth, it shows a plane flying around the world leaving a trail of smoke which slowly turn into the words “Universal Pictures".

An updated version of the previous logo which also has the plane flying around the globe. The text now reads “A Universal Picture”.

This shows the globe made from plexiglass with the words A Universal Picture circling around it surrounded by sparkling stars.

As the company merged with International Pictures Company a new logo was commisioned. This version simply showed a rotating globe with the words “Universal International” shown on top of it.

The camera zooms through space towards a rotating earth where the word “Universal” fades in.

This one starts on the side of the earth with a short reflection of the sun on the water after which the Universal letters come around as the camera slowly zooms out to show the earth and the stars behind it.

The first CGI version of the logo where light emerges from the globe, slowly revealing the continents. The name Universal appears in gold and white lettering.

This Logo has more of a modern feel to it as it has a clean cut crisp design it is also highly defined and very bold and eye catching.

The emphasis for Universal has always been to stand out from the 1st logo to the last you get the impression that it is a marquee business brand that will give you an out of this world viewing experience the placement of the "Universal" Title gives me this view. The use of the sparkling stars in the backround also gives the company an aspect of having a magical feel to it. The word 'Universal' also enhances the brand as it applicable to individuals worldwide and reinforces the idea that it is for everyone.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

#Time2GetSerious #WeDontPlayNoGames

Audience / Market Stand Up Stand Out is a campaign aimed at both Male and Female aged 11-20. Starting secondary school is a testing time for an individual as they are finding out what type of person they are and want to be but to fit in most people conform to what seems to be popular or is the generic norm (this may continue through the individuals time in education so the aim of the campaign is to help people find themselves).This goes against the notion of 'Stand Up Stand Out' as it does not encourage being different and proud of doing so. The 'Stand Up Stand Out' Campaign should be seen as inspiring as it promotes individuals embracing who they are and not conforming to society in order to fit in as being different/unique is something to be proud of hence 'Stand Up Stand Out'! Media Language My Product is narrative as it repetitively enforces the same message. My Products are represented in a positive form it is a up beat campaign. I have manipulated my images to link with the logo 'Stand Up Stand Out' I have used this by using photo-shop and having the models as the main focus this reinforces the idea of the campaign to 'Stand Up Stand Out'. I have also used a rainbow effect on all of my images to reinforce 'standing out' and uniqueness. Representations Minimal work is needed to depict the meaning of my campaign as it is quite self explanatory upon seeing the images therefore I will not need anchor the audience into understanding the brand. Institution My brand stands for Confidence & Individuality as well as being comfortable of who you are and proud being unique The Usp of my brand is Pathos, capturing the audiences attention through emotion so they can relate to the brand. Values / Ideology I will attempt to shape my message to appeal to the audience through my images.

#Elvisisbackinthebuilding ;)